Monday, July 8, 2013

Don't Call It A Comeback

Yesterday I did something I haven't done in almost 9 years...and something I never thought I'd be able to do again at all - I played basketball...full court basketball with guys half my age and one other gent at least a decade my junior.  And it was an effing blast.  Yes, my knees are creaky today and my back is a little sore, but I played for two hours straight (winners kept the court, losers shot for next) and didn't embarrass myself too much.  Now, I didn't dunk on anyone, got beat on rebounds I used to snag routinely, and missed all four of the long jumpers I attempted (getting one swatted with the ferocity of a grizzly tearing into a honey drenched beehive), but I helped my team win...and had a blast doing so...

The secret to playing pickup basketball with guys 1/2 your age is knowing your limitations and theirs.  The kids want to play hero ball by taking impossible shots and beating their man and going one on five.  After a couple of minutes of play I told the teammate closest to me in age that if we did nothing but play pick & roll and screen & pop ball, we'd give the much taller and faster team fits.  Which is exactly what we can't defend the pick & roll, they get lost on the switches or over commit.  That's why John Stockton was able to play until he was 40...he understood that the most fundamental play in basketball was difficult to's the crane kick of basketball...if done right, no can defense...

Anyhoo, young guys on break from college are also in terrible shape.  I'm in no condition to run a 10k yet, but a 5k is on the horizon.  At about the hour mark of playing, one of the fellas on the other team asked if I ever got tired.  I think he was surprised that he was still chasing me around a bit on defense and that I got back in transition.  When we were done playing I was offered a ride home (I walked to the park with The Better Half and the girls, they left after about a 1/2 hour), but I told them I'd run home.  Sure, the park is just shy of a 1/2 mile from my house, but I felt good and wanted to jog it out....

So, yeah...that was a good time.  I finally started hitting jump hooks and turnarounds about two games in, but I still missed a lot of chippies and even blew a layup..remember, I haven't played basketball in 9/10 of a decade.  The best part was when I was invited back to join them next week, an offer I think I'll take up...but I do have some concerns about playing again.  Tabata has done wonders to strengthen my legs, so they feel strong.  My knees are sore though, nothing excruciating, but a lack of cartilage is a lack of cartilage and it doesn't get better no matter how much glucosamine I ingest.  If I play again I'll need to wear a brace to at least keep my knees warm.  However, the risk is there that I will injure one of my knees again, which would royally, royally suck a mountain of drunken orangutan ass...but I love playing ball.  I was horrible at organized basketball, but I have always been able to hold my own at playground felt good to get back out there and dish a few dimes, start a fast break or two, and hit some shots in the lane...once a week should be okay, but I'll need to sit out when/if my knees feel wrong...I'll keep you posted...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Posting To Show I Still Care

Yeah, about posting...that hasn't been happening, now has it?  Turns out it's a lot easier to post to FB or Twitter, especially from an iPhone. 

Anyhoo - what's been going down?  Let me take you back a few weeks...I am not what you would call a fan of electronic dance music.  In fact, I pretty much detest it and have since the days it was called house, electronica, and techno.  See, I like my music to contain this crazy thing called melody and feeling and, oh, I don't know...actual musicianship.  EDM possesses none of those traits, it's just layers of music on top of one another and then set to 120 BPM...oh, and the drop...according to EDM fans it's 'all about the drop'.  So, yeah...what was I doing at an EDM show?  Trying to be a good sport and also checking out first hand what all the fuss was about.  I attended BT's show at Q on Capitol Hill last month and it was...loud.  Which of course makes me sound like Grandpa Taylor, but the noise was uneffingrelenting...and the music itself just wasn't good.  Plus, for the genre being called electronic dance music, there wasn't much dancing...just lots of hopping around...or the occasional dosed out of his head pear shaped geek flailing about in a somewhat spastic manner...but no dancing.  Maybe the dance portion of EDM is ironic in meaning...?

Oh, electronic dance music also kills dolphins.  Dolphins!!!

Germany or Florida

Adam Carolla used to have a bit on his radio show called 'Germany or Florida?'  The premise was simple - a batsh*t crazy story from the news was read and guests had to deduce whether said batsh*t crazy story went down in Germany or Florida. 

Sadly, this story is all Germany...

Just stop it, Germany...for reals...knock it off.