Friday, November 12, 2010

Kredit Kard Denied!

Kim Kardashian has no discernible talent outside of getting nailed by famous black guys, yet, she will make somewhere between 30-40 million dollars this year. She also has 5 million followers on Twitter. If it were up to me those 5 million individuals would be sterilized and sent to live on an island so they don't spread their idiocy contagion on the rest of us.

Anyhoo, MasterCard has partnered with Kim Kardashian to launch a pre-paid credit card, er, excuse me...kard...targeted at young girls. That's right, MasterCard wants your tween and teen daughters to learn about responsible credit use from a 'celebrity' that shot to fame because she was pounded out like a veal cutlet on camera by Brandy's brother. Never mind the fact that Kim was once sued for unauthorized use of a credit card not that long ago, racking up 120k in purchases on a single card. That's kind of insane.

I know one thing - my girls won't ever own a product endorsed by any of the Kardashians, and that includes the one built like an ogre that swats at planes from skyscrapers for fun. I implore all of you to do the same...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Extra Value Mishap

I had a really stupid lunch yesterday. I forgot all my cash at my desk and had to scrounge around the rolling landfill I call a car for enough change to order off of the Jack In The Box dollar menu. I love the two JITB tacos for 99 cents, but then I'm usually drunk off my ever lovin' arse when I normally eat them. I can't remember the last time I ate a JITB taco sober, let alone during daylight hours. Some things are definitely better JITB tacos, church, and trips to Costco.