Inspired by the sudden return of Shelvis to social media, I decided to fire this tatty ol' blog up again. Besides, what else have I got going on, amirite? For those of you not in the know, due to a dubious at best reorganization at work I am currently one of the legion of unemployed. Good times! Actually, it kind of is. Although, being a stay at home dad (or SAHD) with three kids is wee bit more challenging that being a SAHD with one infant to take care of. These older kids have to be places like school, band practice, friend's houses...and then they expect to be picked up and brought home and given stuff like food and water. As George Harrison once sang, it sometimes is all too much. Taking care of Maddy as a baby was easy. She was basically a human koala bear cub that did nothing but eat, sleep for copious hours, and soil herself. Maddy also never moved around much since she was a baby...but that's not the case anymore. She's a mover and a shaker and her and her sisters are whirling dervishes and mess making little vandals. There just aren't enough hours in the day to keep up with the laundry, dishes, and other housekeeping chores. Even worse, should I actually get stuff taken care of it all goes to hell again when the kids get home from school...but I digress.
Christmas is upon us, so I figured I would kick off being back in the blogosphere with a daily countdown of my favorite Christmas videos. First up, Hall & Oates and their video for 'Jingle Bell Rock'. Now, 'Jingle Bell Rock' is one of my least fave Christmas songs. It just annoys the Christmas spirit and not so Christmas piss right out of me. However, this version of the song is palatable only because of the treeeeeemendous video that accompanies it. For starters, there's Darryl Hall's hair. That is a serious, serious whip he's carrying on that head of his. Toss in the green trousers pulled up to his armpits, the Elvis aping dance moves and his penchant for non-ironic mugging for the camera and you've got yourself a perfect storm of self-importance. Sidebar - I recently watched an updated version of the Hall & Oates: Behind the Music. Darryl Hall is not lacking in the confidence department, even though he's responsible for some of the 80's sh*ttiest music. 'Private Eyes', 'Maneater', 'Kiss On My List'...those are just gawd awful songs. To Darryl Hall they are the greatest tunes ever written, and he'll be the first to tell you that. Ironically, the only Hall & Oates tune I do like is 'Family Man'...which is a cover.
John Oates is just John Oates. That mustache he's rocking looks like something that you would chase out of your house with a broom. One other things stands out - John Oates is freakishly short. Someone needs to organize a 1x1 game of hoops between Prince and Oates. That would be epic. Can we make that happen? I also like the sweater he's wearing in the video, and unlike Hall our kid Oates doesn't take himself too seriously. He's having fun, selling his facial expressions like no one's business. It's a great 80's video performance.
Anyhoo - here you go. Enjoy?