The Kardashians made 65 million dollars last year for basically doing nothing. Not one of the Kardashians possesses anything remotely close to talent, unless you consider making a sex tape with Brandy's brother 'talent'. I don't, I call that disgusting.
Anyhoo, I'm not here to judge (ha!), but to point out just how ridiculously stupid our society is becoming. We reward mediocrity and celebrate idiocy at every turn. Kim Kardashian gets paid 100-250k just to show up to an event and 25k for mentioning a product on Twitter. Why? JWoww gets paid $17,500 an episode of Jersey Shore to act like an uneducated drunken guidette for our 'entertainment'. Why? Why are we as a society allowing this to happen?
The entertainment industry is literally bankrupt of new ideas, so they manufacture personalities and so-called stars and churn out mountains of suck day in and day out. The Better Half loves watching entertainment shows. One night I pointed out to her that there is about 3 minutes of actual content per 1/2 hour, the other 27 minutes are commercials and teases for upcoming segments that never seem to air. She agreed...but she still watches those goddamn shows and she admits that it is mindless entertainment, empty calories for her brain and many others feel the same way?
Moving on - I finally figured out why Madonna now resembles a corn husk...Lady Gaga has finally succeeded in completely sucking her dry creatively...not that Madonna has had much to offer of late, her last decent song being 'Ray Of Light', but still...Lady Gaga should be paying Madonna royalties for every copy of 'Born This Way' that sells...
Justin Bieber is doomed, DOOMED I SAY, to suffer the same fate that every other teeny boppin' tweener star sufferred...and that is complete irrelevance when his shrieking fan base moves on and leaves him in the dust bin. I'm not saying that to be mean, but pop culture is littered with the corpses of fallen teen idols, and Bieber doesn't have the talent or chops to overcome the simple fact that tween girls are disloyal to their idols. At this point Justin had better hope that a remake of The Outsiders is on the horizon (it just may sec, let me check...oh sweet mother of all that is holy)...he'd make a very decent and even wussier Ponyboy than C. Thomas Howell did...or if he grows taller than the average Hobbit he could even be Bob the Soc, the role brought to life by Leif Garrett who then went on to be a raging drug fiend.
I didn't watch much of the Grammy's, but did catch part of Bob Dylan's, I caught Dylan during his last tour and he put on a great show. His voice is absolutely shot, but the songs and music still packed a punch...and he had a great band playing with him, including the totally awesome Charlie Sexton on lead guitar. However, Dylan really stunk the joint up during the Grammy' did the reanimated corpse of Mick Jagger.
Well, that's all I have for now which probably makes you wonder why I bothered to post in the first place....
Hello world!
2 days ago
My theory is that people like watching these train wreck celebrities because it makes them feel better about themselves. If you're feeling depressed about your life being a mess, seeing a drunken Hasselhoff eat a burger on youtube will make you think, "hey, maybe things could be worse for me." And so the networks manufacture celebrities from some vapid half wits and wait for them to make fools of themselves. All so I can have a brief feeling of superiority. It's a public service really.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I officially gave up on Bob Dylan after his cringe worthy Christmas song.