It turns out that sketchy convenience stores in the downtown area are good for more than just buying non-winning lotto tickets and getting shot in the head like Harrison Ford in ‘Regarding Henry’ – you can also buy somewhat obscure candy bars at these places (while sidestepping winos and hobos in the doorway). I bought a Whatchamacalit at lunch today to celebrate the raise I wasn’t certain I would get…not because I’m a shite employee, but because I’m somewhat paranoid about those sorts of things. Anyhoo, I hadn’t seen a Whatchmacalit in the wild for years, so I was kind of excited about the purchase as this was my favorite candy bar as a kid. While the packaging was the same, the candy itself was shrunk down quite a bit…it’s much flatter than it used to be while the cost has shot up about 200%. Still, I enjoyed my celebratory Whatchamacalit and the opportunity to play dodge the wino in the doorway.
I was finally able to mow the bog I call a backyard over the weekend. I also hauled about 400 lbs of Preen infused mulch around and distributed it amongst the various flower beds…but no matter how many bags of mulch you buy, you always wind up 3 bags short. So, I’ll be making a stop at Lowe’s on the way home for more…
Speaking of hardware stores – beware of Home Depot and their home consultants. We asked for someone to come out from Home Depot to give us an estimate on some windows. The seals on just about all of our downstairs windows have failed…one to the point that water is actually building up between the panes of glass, so we need windows. I thought I made it clear to the Home Depot rep that called me and the gent that showed up at our house that we just wanted an estimate and to save the high pressure sales tactics. Well, guess what didn’t happen? The Home Depot window rep has been all but stalking me since visiting our house 10 days ago. I get a call a day from him, sometimes two…and once he even swung by the house unannounced. That is completely unacceptable. So, guess which company we WON’T be hiring to replace our windows? If you said, ‘Home Depot’, you win! I’m not sure when the meaning of the word ‘estimate’ became ‘please harass me and overstay your welcome in my home as I repeatedly tell you that I am not buying new windows today…or tomorrow…or ever from you!’
So, yeah – nice work, Home Depot windows consultant, you talked your company out of work…and I don’t even think I want to step foot in one of your stores again!
The Better Half and I finally watched ‘Black Swan’ over the weekend. I thought it was okay, although both of us were laughing at the absurdity of the movie more than once. Nice bit of work in casting Winona Ryder as the aging and unhinged ballerina, she was much better than ‘hot girl du jour’ Mila Kunis. I fear Darren Aronofsky is turning into a bit of a one trick pony as a director as ‘Black Swan’ had a lot in common with ‘The Wrestler’ as far as story arc is concerned. In fact, both movies end in a similar manner…I give it a 6 on a scale of 1-10 mehs.
You know what was compelling TV? ESPN’s 30 for 30 on Marcus Dupree…in fact, all of the 30 for 30s I have watched have been outstanding, especially the docs on the former Yugoslavian basketball team and Pablo/Andres Escobar. Both are worth watching if you get the chance….
That’s all I’s gots for now…
Hello world!
2 days ago
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