I think I have finally stumbled onto my million dollar idea, the one that is going to allow me to walk away from the daily commute, make me independently wealthy, and turn me into the anti-social recluse I've always dreamed of being...
After all of the Mexican/Korean fusion taco trucks and Ethiopian Cajun Soul Food lunch vans get repo'd and towed away, someone and something is going to have to fill that void. That's where I come in. I have seen the future of convenience food, and it is not those dreadful Dipping Dots. Oh no. The future is in our collective past, my friends. I'm talking the original comfort food (and not bourbon, although I have turned to the fiery brown water more than once during times of stress) - porridge.
Yep, I'm planning on opening up a chain of porridge stands across this fine nation of ours with expansion franchises in Canada (although they'll Canadian the porridge up by dousing it in brown gravy and will dip fries into it, but that's their issue, not mine...USA! USA! USA!). The name of the place will be Three Bears Porridge with the tagline of ...It's Always Juuuuuuust Right. I figure each location will require about 1,000 square feet to allow for seating and what have you. The menu will feature breakfast porridge (served all day!), but will also have lunch/dinner options as well...porridge is wicked versatile, ya'll! It can be served with nothing more than brown sugar or can have various meats and root vegetables cooked right into it as well. You are limited in options only by your own stunted TV addled imaginations (and ability to pay, that sausage ain't free!). Each store will have a three bears theme (from the fairy tale, not three big hairy gay dudes), although no one will be required to dress as Goldilocks. We'll keep it simple.
Here's where you come in. I'm giving each and every one of my 9 faithful readers the chance to get in on the ground floor...no, scratch that...I'm giving each and every one of my 9 faithful readers the chance to get in at crawl space level. Just send me $1,000 so I can start buying oats and cauldrons and pay for the lease of our flagship store and together we can ride this dream of mine as far as it will take us (queue Starships 'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now'). Remember, we are only limited by our own imaginations!!!!
And if the porridge thing doesn't work then we can always open a chain of MMA themed gay bars called the Ground & Pound. Our signature drink will be the rear naked choke, only two per customer per night!
Hello world!
2 days ago
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