Inspiration strikes me every now and then and I come up with an idea just wacky and obscure enough that it might appeal to maybe 19 other people on the planet. No, I'm not talking about my idea to open a chain of MMA themed gay bars because that there is a license to print's gold, baby, pure gold!
Anyway, my idea today was to go all Rick Rubin, minus the 75 lbs I'd have to pack on, the hobo beard and what I can only imagine is eye watering BO mixed with equal amounts of stanky dried Kokanee on his shants. No, by going all Rick Rubin I mean finding an artist and having them cover material they would never be associated Johnny Cash completely owning and reworking Soundgarden's 'Rusty Cage'. That was a career reviving and redefining moment for Cash...
So, here's my Rick Rubinesque idea: Have Allison Krauss record an album of Missing Persons songs. It would totally, totally work. Dale Bozzio's vocals are right in Krauss's wheelhouse...and her backing band, Union Station, are topnotch musicians that would work minor miracles with Missing Persons early 80's new wave/pop arrangements. Me? Well, I'd be sitting in the booth and offering up creative gems like, 'Allison, break me off something filthy on that fiddle on 'Walking In LA'...and don't be afraid to get dirty on 'Words' there beardy mandolin dude.' Genius!
Of course, no one but me, David Wild, and maybe that fat bald guy from Pitchfork (his name escapes me) would buy maybe this is more of a $100 idea...but that's $100 more than I had when I started writing this....
Hello world!
2 days ago
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