When purchasing a bottle of Dave's Insanity Sauce, it is important to study the condition of the contents before opening said bottle. The ingredients tend to separate over time, something I would have noticed had I given the bottle a once over...but no, I had to go and open it right up and use it. Now, the bottle is specific in the amount that should be used, and that amount is no more than 2-3 drops. The recommended amount was all I was going to use, but let's touch on the separation of ingredients for a moment...
I bought this bottle of Insanity Sauce during our recent trip to Leavenworth. For all I know, the bottle has been sitting in Washington state's 'Little Bavaria' since Christmas of 2006 as that was a good year for habanero peppers globally (note: I made that up...I don't know if 2006 was a barn burner of year for habanero peppers). Anyway, there's no expiration date on the bottle, or any date that makes sense, so I figure we're all good. Smash cut to this evening in my kitchen...
I always put a couple of drops of Insanity Sauce in my guacamole. It adds a nice kick and spicy garlicky flavor, because what good is hot sauce if it adds nothing but heat? Well, when I went to add my 2-3 drops of Insanity Sauce to the guacamole 2 teaspoons of dark red oil ran out of the bottle...and let me tell ya, it was eye watering and the scent stung the nostrils. At that moment, I should have stopped...but I was not about to throw out the guacamole. Avocados are friggin' expensive this time of year, and as some of you know, I'm currently on a fixed income. Therefore, I went ahead and made the guacamole, undiluted habanero oil and all.
As stated earlier, a couple of drops of Insanity Sauce adds kick to most dishes. My first taste of tonight's guacamole was not a kick, it was uncomfortable. It was as if I had added a couple of drops of blood from the devil himself into the guacamole. I'm quite used to spicy and hot foods, but I had to step back from this to figure out a way to mitigate the heat. The only thing I could think of was to cut it with more guacamole and off the shelf salsa. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, so that's what I did. The end result was good, the heat just right...but Dave should add a 'Shake Well Before Using' label to his Insanity Sauce, especially if that sauce has been sitting on the shelf of a novelty store in a faux Bavarian village in the middle of the Cascade mountains...
Hello world!
2 days ago
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