First, I'd like to thank the faithful 9 readers of the original Grande Pescados for following me over to this new sight. There were two reasons for moving - the first being cost, I didn't dig having to shell out close to 15 bones a month just to blog...especially when there are free alternatives. The second issue was completely personal - for whatever reason, I felt somewhat burdened by the history of the old site. I was reading some of the archived posts and felt completely disconnected from them. It was time to pack up and move to new digs. Someday I'll try and move archived posts to this site, if that is even possible...
I think the tone of this reinvented GP site will be close to the original as I am still cranky as all get out...expect lots of 'get off my lawn' crumudgeonly posts. Damn hippies and their hip hop....
Anyhoo, again, thanks for popping over and I am looking forward to being your craptastic blog of choice.
Hello world!
2 days ago
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