The HOA of our subdivision, or master planned community...same diff...has been placing sandwich boards all over different neighborhoods reminding homeowners that their dues are, um, due. In years past, the HOA would send out invoices in May, place a reminder on the marquee dealy outside the community center in June, and then collect. However, with things as rough as they are I have a feeling the HOA piggy bank is going to come up a little light this year. Perhaps HOA board members will start going door to door next, and they may have to.
A recent profile in the Seattle Times painted a less than flattering portrait of some neighborhoods in the area I live in. The gated community of Verona is foreclosure central, with 1 in 13 homes in the process of being repoed by the lender. This is not good times, and I wouldn't be surprised if the HOA is aggressively reminding residents to pony up their dues because the coffers are growing takes money to hire landscape crews to mow lawns at abandoned houses for sale.
Walking through Verona near the evening is kind of like walking through a ghost town. That's a crying shame because it is a nice neighborhood that was ridiculously bid up during the housing bubble.
Hello world!
2 days ago
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