I'll be 40 in January, and in nearly 40 years of life I had never ever tasted egg nog. There was absolutely nothing about egg nog that sounded appetizing...raw eggs, sugar and milk whipped into a frothy drink and spiked with brandy? Yeah, no thanks...
Well, today I relented and finally tasted egg nog, albeit egg nog in an egg nog latte...and it was very okay. A little too sweet for my liking, but the nutmeg added a nice spicy little kick to it. The price was steep, and I felt like pulling a Vincent Vega after ordering a $5.00 milk shake...no, not entering a twist competition, but asking if they put any bourbon in the damn thing. They don't, but it would have cooler if they did.....
So, egg nog is okay, I won't be seeking it out or anything during the remaining holiday season, but if offered I'll partake...as long as bourbon is involved.
Hello world!
2 days ago
Mmmmm. Bourbon.