I'll take clear skies and bone marrow cracking cold over this crap ass overcast/rain/drizzle we've been cursed with since the cold snap...snapped. Cold = Christmas in my book, mild and rainy = Late Jan/Early Feb borderline suicidal doldrums...
Given the above, I am not in the Christmas spirit at the moment. All of it rings hollow. I'm hoping to snap out of it because I am someone that usually really, really loves the Christmas season. Maybe when I wrap gifts and get them under the tree I'll feel better...
The girls, on the other hand, are all over Christmas, especially Maddy. She's made and mailed her list, made amendments and sent those...we'll go to NorthPole.com tonight to send off the last revision. Jossy is excited as well, and I can't imagine Christmas without kids...what did I do before them? Oh yeah, got loaded and acted up...a lot....
Maddy uttered some of the saddest words to ever hit my ears last night...The Winnie The Pooh Christmas special was on and I asked her if she was going to sit and watch it with me, Jossy, and Katelyn...and she replied, 'Papa, Winnie The Pooh is too babyish for me' - I almost began to sob uncontrollably because last Christmas we must have watched that 10 different times if we watched it once...time is something that most definitely seems to be accelerated when you have children....
Hello world!
2 days ago
Maybe it's time for Maddy to move on to The Year Without a Santa Claus or The Island of Misfit Toys. Those aren't too babyish for me yet.