Why do so many websites place their logout links/buttons in counter-intuitive locations on their pages? Yeah, I'm looking at you AT&T with your horrible white and creamsicle orange color scheme...tucking the logout button in the hinterlands of your page makes online bill pay that much more cumbersome. The Comcast signout button is located in the top middle left portion of their bill pay website, which is really tough to find at first...and why do I have to enter my login and password on two separate pages? And why is the account information that is displayed so wildly inaccurate? About the only bill pay site that is remotely close to being user friendly is the Puget Sound Energy page...but they seem to have outsourced that to a vendor...still, the entire PSE website experience is intuitive, which is somewhat shocking since they are a utility company.
I'm off to bed to think of more petty grievances to conjure up....
Hello world!
2 days ago
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