Good criminey, I'm going to give blogging another shot here. Got a little sidetracked with the new job and, I also felt as if I had lost 'my voice', whatever the eff that means. Basically, I was wiped out after so many changes over the last 6 months, changes my faithful 9 readers should be aware of.
Anyhoo, I'm back. For now.
So, what have I been doing? Well, I've been watching a lot of movies and completely ignoring the Stuff Reduction Project, a project that has been ongoing for what, three years? No stuff has been reduced, in fact, I have more goddamn stuff now than when I started. Example - I got rid of a lot of crap from the garage, crapola I didn't need or want and would never use. For about a week the garage floor was pretty much clear...and then I bought a bike trailer so I could exercise and tow two kids behind me...but I have three kids, so I went and bought a Weeride bike trailer to hook to The Better Half's bike so we could all ride. Guess what? Both trailers take up a lot of room, especially the Weeride because it doesn't fold up all that well. Therefore, the garage floor is a mess again, it's lousy with bike trailers and plastic bins full of shite we hauled back from Montana earlier this year....
Yeah, so movies. Really dug 'Crazy Heart and 'Whip It' while 'The Messenger' was just okay. 'Funny People' would have been better if it had been, oh, funny...but it was borderline excruciating. Why does Judd Apatow have to pollute his films with d*ck and arse jokes from start to finish? The premise of 'Funny People' was decent, but the writing was horrendous. Although I kind of hated 'The Hangover' the first time I saw it, that film grew on me now that it has been on HBO in heavy rotation...I don't think 'Funny People' is going to grow on me, it was just awful.
What else has been going on, you ask? I've been spending lots of time with the girls, engaging in some serious Playmobil and Calico Critter time. Playmobil stuff used to belong in the realm of 'rich kid' toys when I was young since it was all imported and European and all that jazz. The prices don't seem all that outrageous now that I have a job, and the Playmobil toys are sturdier than the ankles on a Russian babooshka. If I had to do it all over again, I would have stayed away from the Calico Critters...they are too small and a lot of the accessories are made of cardboard, cardboard that has to be folded just so. My hands are not what would consider dainty, so folding tiny pizza boxes for the Calico Critters Pizza Parlour was see said pizza boxes mangled within ten minutes of play was heartbreaking.
The girls, especially Maddy, have been more involved with lawn work. Maddy joined 'garden club' at school and has applied what's she has learned to our garden. We planted sunflowers, tomatoes, cucumbers (that I'm pretty sure the torrential rain wiped out), and various peppers. All three are good 'helpers', although Baby Katelyn is better at stomping on stuff than actually pulling weeds and what have ya...but I like having them out there. I was telling the Better Half that someday I won't have three little faces smiling at me from the kitchen window as I go by with the mower...and that made her a little sad. My little girls are growing up too fast...
That's all I have for now...come back for more tomorrow!
Hello world!
2 days ago
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