Monday, March 28, 2011
I Be Illin'
I went to see a doctor Saturday morning, and she diagnosed whooping cough, which at the time seemed correct (although 'whooping' through her Vietnamese accent came out sounding like 'woofing'...I tried not to giggle). Now I am not so sure. Either way, she put me on a 5 day 'Z-Pack', so whatever I have, if bacterial in nature, will be wiped out. At least, that's what I am hoping for.
Now, if whatever illness I have is viral in nature then the Z-Pack is going to do sweet eff all about it. I'm worried that I am now into day 3 of the antibiotics and, according to my woofing cough diagnosing doctor, I should be feeling much, much better. But I don't. I feel the same as I did on Saturday...
Part of me wants to go see my previous doctor, the totally awesome Dr. Duran. The only problem with that plan is that he doesn't accept my insurance anymore and his office is spectacularly inefficient. Even with an appointment you are giving up at least 2 hours of your day, which is usually well worth it because he's a great doctor.
It's 8:40 AM, I've taken a shower, ate some apple slices for breakfast (I've lost 13 pounds since all of this started last Wednesday...and I'm not complaining about the weight loss, I just wish it happened in a more healthy manner), and I am completely wiped out and heading back to bed.
In the meantime, you can amuse yourself with these terrifying photos of giant rattlesnakes...these pics are good ol' fashioned nightmare fuel, even if most of them are hoaxes.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Sunny Side Of The Street
Her lip gloss routine can only be described as precise. She would take out a tube of Blistix and go ‘round and ‘round her lips three times, lick them, and then apply a purple-ish lip gloss over the top in four sweeps.. A few moments would go by and she would repeat the process. Over the course of three stops in the tunnel she performed this operation seven times…and it was always three applications of Blistix, a lick o’ the lips, and then the purple lip gloss. By the time I got off the bus she looked like she had been bobbing for pork chops that had been suspended in a vat of Crisco.
This level of crazy doesn’t approach the batsh*t insanity of ‘Lotion Man’, a wandering nutter that I would see from time to time in the Eastlake area…but it is definitely over the top OCD behavior. I’m wondering if this lip gloss fascination manifested itself due to her being nervous while riding a bus through the tunnel though…she looked as normal as she possibly could when she hopped aboard. It was only when we got rolling did the Blistix/lip gloss come out. Either way, it was bizarre…but not so bizarre I couldn’t share it with my 4 loyal readers though!
Moving on - Sunny days in Seattle means the return of sidewalk mystery liquid!!! Yep, nothing like walking down a sidewalk on a day with no measurable precipitation and encountering a puddle of standing liquid in direct sunlight…how did it get there and what the eff is it? It is best to just walk around and give said puddle a wide-berth, it may become self aware and attack you like the lake blob from Creepshow…
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Hero Of Nobody...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Venting Some Rage
The next 40 something ass hat that ironically asks,'What's a CD?' in the midst of a music conversation will have their kidneys turned to mulch by my fists. There really isn't anything more annoying than a wannabe hipster dipsh*t making a desperate play for attention. I'll gladly spend time with a sanctimonious baby boomer before I'll tolerate the company of a goddam least the baby boomer will sincerely believe in whatever idiotic stance they take or statment they are making. Hipsters believe in nothing and their only pleasure in life is making others feel stupid, hence the 'what's a CD?' horseshite. They believe they gain crediblity by feigning ignorance of a bygone era they lived in and embraced not that long ago. An 8 year old knows what a CD is, but not a 45 rpm single because that technology was displaced years before they were even thought about. Asking 'what's a CD' makes the hipster feel relevant in a world that is passing them by. Joan Rivers has aged more gracefully than every hipster in existence.
Hey, is time to derail and decommission your 'Glee' bandwagon. It's a sh*tty show. The only reason it is popular is because they use songs that were already popular once and recycle them. It's the same formula P. Shiddy used to make millions off of dumb people that bought his albums...find a song that was a hit once before, steal or sample the hook, and record it again with some weak ass rap in place of the actual verses. Glee does the same thing - they take songs that were once hits, record them again with attractive actors, and then build a rudimentary sit-com with updated ABC after school special messaging around the music...and the music is nothing more than a rote color by numbers cover. I'd have some respect for Glee if they actually brought something to the table when they re-recorded the songs, but everything I've heard is a note for note remake and boring. Face it, Gleeks..this show exists as nothing more than a vehicle to generate iTunes downloads...and enough with Jane Lynch, she's a one trick pony that needs to be put down. Discuss.
Hmmmm, that's all the rage I could muster up for this post...I think the unisom is kicking in. I have to be downtown Bellevue tomorrow morning for some kind of social media and you seminar and how it impacts your business kind of stuff. Should be thrilling and I'm sure before we are through introductions I will be annoyed and agitated BY IT ALL. Until then, happy Thursday and I hope you enjoyed this lil' bit o' rage...
Monday, March 14, 2011
More Random Shots...
Again, I totally understand why my girls and millions of other girls love Taylor Swift. For the tweener set, her songs are Judy Blume books condensed down to three minutes and set to music. Younger girls aspire to be her. I find her music to be annoying and grating, and when she sings live she's an abomination. She's the only performer I have ever heard that could be flat, pitchy, and out of key all at once. Just watch the train wreck that was Def Leppard/Taylor Swift crossroads or her ear drum abusing duet with Stevie Nicks a couple of years ago...and if her voice on her CDs was processed any more than it already is, stores would have to offer up her music next to the Velveeta and Easy Cheese canisters...but her music is not for me, so I'm not going to worry about there.
You know, it really is kind of difficult to be snarky and cynical with all that's going on in the world right now. Not so difficult I couldn't take some shots at Taylor Swift, but still...I had a great night with the girls, we played some Wii Sports, ate some popcorn, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking about Japan and the devastation there. Take some time tonight or tomorrow and send a prayer out for all of Japan...for their loss of life and for the strength and resolve it is going to take to dig out from that mess. Also pray for the engineers working around the clock trying to prevent meltdowns at their nuclear facilities. The last thing the Japanese people need right now is for Godzilla to come stomping around (yeah, I couldn't resist...sorry...but not really...someone had to make a Godzilla joke).
Back to the snark. The Better Half and I did some shopping at WinCo over the weekend. For those of you that don't know what WinCo is, think WalMart without all the made in China Rubbermade products cluttering up the aisles. What's great about WinCo is the can save some serious coin at that place on everything from produce to ice cream...and when you leave you aren't burdened with the shame you might feel if caught walking out of Grocery Outlet. The bad thing about WinCo is that every other person in the joint looks like they may have been cast as extras in 'Winter's Bone'. There aren't a lot of handsome people in the place, yours truly being a welcome exception (if grading on a curve).
WinCo also is the place to go for items you might not find anywhere giant tins of 'Campfire Stew'. I have no idea what 'Campfire Stew' is, and I don't really want to find out...but it was on sale, for whatever that's worth. They also stock every imaginable flavor of Shasta soda on the planet...and they carry a ton of those crazy Mexican fruit drinks that my cousins can't get enough off. Every one should give WinCo a try, especially since you have to bag your own groceries, that makes it kind of sporty!
By the way, 'Winter's Bone' was vastly overrated...great performances, but overrated as a film...
On Demand
I called Comcast when Katelyn ordered 'Black Death' for the third time and was told that we wouldn't be charged if less than 1/2 an hour of a movie was watched. I tried to explain that we never watched 'Black Death' and we most certainly did not order it two times in a three day span. Nor did we order 'Conviction' or 'Alpha and Omega', but I agreed that a charge for 'Alpha...' was warranted because the kids sat down and watched that one (I thought it was on HBO On Demand, not PPV On Demand). The customer service rep wouldn't budge, the best he could do was to tell me to set a pin number to block On Demand...which would be fine if setting a PIN was in any way useful and not a massive nuisance. When I tried to tell him that my daughter was ordering the movies and turning the TV off when she got an eyeful of 'Black Death' and not Yo Gabba Gabba, he still wouldn't empathy, no 'I'll see what I can do', just no. And I didn't feel like getting into it with him so I just hung up.
When I tried establishing a PIN to block On Demand, I discovered that Comcast has set it up where you can't disable On Demand functionality on the remote. All you can do with a PIN is block channels, titles or ratings, not PPV On Demand...and I think Comcast wants it this way. I noticed the other day that during a commercial for 'Megamind' a pop up message that read 'Do You Want To Watch Megamind? Hit 'OK' was displayed all over the screen. There was nothing that stated 'Ask Your Parents/Adult', just 'Hit OK'. Had the girls wanted to watch 'Megamind' all they would have to do is hit the easy to find 'OK' button and I would have been out another $4.99....
Comcast has found another devious way to bleed their customers of money. I try to police and limit the amount of TV my kids watch, but I'm not with them 24/7...and, shocker, sometimes I let them watch TV while I clean the kitchen or finish up some work. While part of me is kind of proud that Katelyn was clever enough to even get to the On Demand menu, I'm not so proud that I don't want my fargin' 25 bones back for PPV movies we didn't watch. Not allowing customers to block On Demand is the kind of business move that does nothing but harvest ill will. I certainly won't forget this when it comes time to shop for another cable provider. And I certainly won't forget the customer service drone that did absolutely nothing to offer assistance. Had the rep given one crap about customer service he would have taken a closer look at our account and seen that we have not ordered a PPV movie since switching over to Comcast. We have ordered some boxing and MMA events, but no movies that I can remember....but all he could do was read from his script.
If you are a Comcast customer and have kids, keep a very, very close eye on your billing statement. There is nothing preventing your kids from ringing up PPV charges on your dime...and good luck with customer service when you call up and try and explain the circumstances of the PPV transactions. Hey, just set up a PIN that does nothing to prevent this from happening again!!!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Oscar Fashion
Back in junior high one of my classmate’s parents bought him a red leather jacket like the one Michael Jackson wore in the ‘Thriller’ video. He was mocked and tormented relentlessly for it, not because Jackson was passé or had fallen out of favor – Michael was at the peak of his popularity when ‘Thriller’ was released – but because it was such an unbelievable poseur move. I mean, who the hell did he think he was showing up to home room in a Michael Jackson jacket? My question to the ladies is this – if a gal showed up at a social function in a dress that was an obvious Oscar night recreation, would you mock the person wearing it, or would you be impressed?