I can't stand the NCAA basketball tournament...in fact, I loathe it. The only thing that gets my hackles up more than the NCAA tourney is the sight of pear shaped lime green scarf loving DOOFUSES skulking their way into Qwest Field to watch the Sounders. Eff them...but I digress. All you bracketologists (and there's a word that makes me want to ram a rusty fork into a Sounders fan's neck)can simply suck it. I'm glad we got that out of the way early...
The next 40 something ass hat that ironically asks,'What's a CD?' in the midst of a music conversation will have their kidneys turned to mulch by my fists. There really isn't anything more annoying than a wannabe hipster dipsh*t making a desperate play for attention. I'll gladly spend time with a sanctimonious baby boomer before I'll tolerate the company of a goddam hipster...at least the baby boomer will sincerely believe in whatever idiotic stance they take or statment they are making. Hipsters believe in nothing and their only pleasure in life is making others feel stupid, hence the 'what's a CD?' horseshite. They believe they gain crediblity by feigning ignorance of a bygone era...an era they lived in and embraced not that long ago. An 8 year old knows what a CD is, but not a 45 rpm single because that technology was displaced years before they were even thought about. Asking 'what's a CD' makes the hipster feel relevant in a world that is passing them by. Joan Rivers has aged more gracefully than every hipster in existence.
Hey, Gleeks...it is time to derail and decommission your 'Glee' bandwagon. It's a sh*tty show. The only reason it is popular is because they use songs that were already popular once and recycle them. It's the same formula P. Shiddy used to make millions off of dumb people that bought his albums...find a song that was a hit once before, steal or sample the hook, and record it again with some weak ass rap in place of the actual verses. Glee does the same thing - they take songs that were once hits, record them again with attractive actors, and then build a rudimentary sit-com with updated ABC after school special messaging around the music...and the music is nothing more than a rote color by numbers cover. I'd have some respect for Glee if they actually brought something to the table when they re-recorded the songs, but everything I've heard is a note for note remake and boring. Face it, Gleeks..this show exists as nothing more than a vehicle to generate iTunes downloads...and enough with Jane Lynch, she's a one trick pony that needs to be put down. Discuss.
Hmmmm, that's all the rage I could muster up for this post...I think the unisom is kicking in. I have to be downtown Bellevue tomorrow morning for some kind of social media and you seminar and how it impacts your business kind of stuff. Should be thrilling and I'm sure before we are through introductions I will be annoyed and agitated BY IT ALL. Until then, happy Thursday and I hope you enjoyed this lil' bit o' rage...
Hello world!
2 days ago
Ah...how I have missed these rants.
ReplyDeleteI sure do love a bile filled, vitriolic rant.