The illness that was visited upon me simply refuses to recede and slither back to the shadowy and dank underworld where it was conceived. Yes, the feverish attacks subsided, so no more violent shivering and enamel wrecking teeth chattering...but the sore throat, coughing, and skull crushing headaches persist. I've also developed some intense sinus pressure and my left ear keeps popping.
I went to see a doctor Saturday morning, and she diagnosed whooping cough, which at the time seemed correct (although 'whooping' through her Vietnamese accent came out sounding like 'woofing'...I tried not to giggle). Now I am not so sure. Either way, she put me on a 5 day 'Z-Pack', so whatever I have, if bacterial in nature, will be wiped out. At least, that's what I am hoping for.
Now, if whatever illness I have is viral in nature then the Z-Pack is going to do sweet eff all about it. I'm worried that I am now into day 3 of the antibiotics and, according to my woofing cough diagnosing doctor, I should be feeling much, much better. But I don't. I feel the same as I did on Saturday...
Part of me wants to go see my previous doctor, the totally awesome Dr. Duran. The only problem with that plan is that he doesn't accept my insurance anymore and his office is spectacularly inefficient. Even with an appointment you are giving up at least 2 hours of your day, which is usually well worth it because he's a great doctor.
It's 8:40 AM, I've taken a shower, ate some apple slices for breakfast (I've lost 13 pounds since all of this started last Wednesday...and I'm not complaining about the weight loss, I just wish it happened in a more healthy manner), and I am completely wiped out and heading back to bed.
In the meantime, you can amuse yourself with these terrifying photos of giant rattlesnakes...these pics are good ol' fashioned nightmare fuel, even if most of them are hoaxes.
Hello world!
2 days ago
My money is on rickets. Or MRSA. The Dan Rather special I saw on super bacteria said that the Z-pack is powerless against MRSA, and Dan Rather wouldn't lie about that.