My workout goal each and every day is to burn at least 500 calories on the treadmill and/or run 3.25 miles in under 36 minutes. I can usually exceed the calorie count by at least 100, but knocking out 3.25 miles in 36 minutes can be murder on my knees, especially on days I have to ease into the pace...which is most days. That means I have to pick up the pace during the middle portion of the run to make my goal. Either way, by the end of my workout (during my lunch hour at work)I'm a complete disaster and cranking out some serious BTUs. By disaster I mean 'sweating like a stuck pig in the middle of a Georgia heat wave'. It takes me forever to cool down...even after a leisurely cool shower. I'll get back to my desk and sweat is still pouring down my bald head 20 minutes's quite lovely. And charming.
Anyhoo, I pushed my run especially hard today and busted out 3.5 miles in 36 minutes and burned 786 calories in the process thanks to adding some inclines to my routine. I jumped off the treadmill, stretched some, took a quick walk outside to start cooling off, then hit the showers. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to spend as much time under cool water as I normally do as the locker room was crowded. Also, I was scheduled to interview someone about 45 minutes after I was done getting dressed, etc...plenty of time to cool off even without the lengthy shower. So, I got dressed while still pumping out more hot air than a Heat Dish and thinking I still had a big chunk of time until the interview...
When I got back to my desk, the other half of the interview team was waiting for me...our candidate was ready and waiting...I wasn't. In fact, I was sweating like Shawn Kemp during warmups after a hard night of boozin' at the UDistrict Keg...Kemp liked his Keg sized beers and plenty of them, so he was always pouring sweat after about 5 minutes of a layup drill. That was me, heading to do an interview. I was sweating through my shirt, it was running off my head...I had to try and towel off in the men's room before walking into the interview room, but it was to no avail...If no one had known better, they would have thought I was the one being put through an exceptionally grueling interview/ was very uncomfortable, but I'm a pro and acted as if nothing was also helped that I knew the person being interviewed, but it was still a bit awkward. I mean, my shirt was drenched, it was unsightly....
The lesson, as always, is that I'm an idiot...and don't accept interview requests that are scheduled after a work out. I may also look into one of those fat boy desk fans some chubbies keep at their desk for those days the AC just isn't working hard enough...
Stay classy!
Hello world!
2 days ago
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