I finally broke down and bought a car....not a new one...a pre-owned vehicle because new car prices are outrageous. Who the hell can swing the payment on a new car, even after putting money down and getting a decent interest rate? Not this guy...
So, what did I end up with? I purchased a 2006 Chevy Impala SS (that would be super sport), which is kind of a ridiculous car. I mean, the thing is a 300 hp beast of a cruiser with an all black interior and exterior and tinted rear windows. A friend of African-American persuasion told me it was a straight up brotha car, so I guess I have to start smoking menthol Kools and ordering purple drank when I hit the bars. Or not. I think it looks more like a Russian gangster mobile, myself.
Whitney Houston died. I didn't feel an ounce of anything upon hearing the news. Her music meant sweet eff all to me. In the end, she was a drunken base head and her appetite for destruction caught up to her. But who the hell didn't see this coming? She has been in a downward spiral since marrying that buffoon Bobby Brown.
Good to see the Grammys had no problem being a vehicle for the 'forget Chris Brown beat the piss out of Rihanna' movement. Seriously, Chris Brown has yet to actually own up and apologize for what he did, going so far as to name his latest sh*t album F.A.M.E. (forgiving all my enemies)...because it was his enemies that tried to hold him accountable for his cowardly and disgusting behavior, right? Someone needs to beat him with the same fury he beat Rihanna with...and all of you posting on Twitter how you'd let Chris Brown beat you because you find him attractive...kindly GFY, okay? Thanks for playing...
Coldplay sucks. I don't get their appeal at all...they are bland, banal, and Mr. Paltrow is almost as annoying as his wife. I did enjoy the Beach Boys tribute, however, and I don't even like the Beach Boys. That goofy kid from Foster The People would make a great Brian Wilson if they ever do a biopic of that loony guy. Adam Levine didn't even really bother me that much, and Maroon 5 is not a band I'd consider ever calling 'good'.
Oh, Taylor Swift...you weren't fooling me with that banjo you weren't playing and that microphone that wasn't plugged in. Yeah, you pre-recorded your vocals because last time you sang live at the Grammys it was an unmitigated disaster. I'm not sure what was going on with the Country Bear Jamboree stage set either... and please stop with the patented 'Taylor Swift Surprise Face' when you win awards and what have you. It's getting old and your humble act is now coming across as contrived...and someone saying you can't sing doesn't make them mean, it makes them honest. I'm not sure where your career is headed, but at some point your fanbase of tweens is going to grow up and leave you behind.
That's about all of the Grammys I watched before the melatonin kicked in...and that's about all I could deal with. Adele has a lovely voice and is a great talent, but her music isn't for me...so I didn't have much use for the Grammys since the show was one big Adele love fest.
Ya know who I do kind of like? Colbie Cailatt, that's who...some of her songs, and not the one that is going to be played at weddings for the next 15 years, have a Todd Rundgren vibe to them. I also like the fact that she was turned down for American Idol twice because eff American Idol, that's why. Aside from Kelly Clarkson, there hasn't been a decent AI winner or contestant. Carrie Underwood has some pipes, but like Adele she just isn't for me. I've always appreciated Kelly Clarkson's voice and her determination to do things her way, even at the expense of some of her fan base. Yeah, some of her tunes are silly, but she can wail.
Happy Valentine's Day, the ultimate no win holiday because no matter how hard you try, you will always come up short in her eyes. Peace!
Hello world!
2 days ago
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