Everyone in the house seems to have come down with harsh cold...everyone but me, that is. I seem to have been spared the fever, cough, and congestion that has been visited upon the ladies of Taylor Manor. I would say my ability to repel the vile germs of this cough are due to my rugged constitution and chiseled good looks, but I would be lying. In time, I too will more than likely fall victim to the monkeyflu or whatever it is everyone else has...
So, about that French drain in the backyard...to quote Junior from 'Platoon', 'that hole ain't gonna dig itself, white boy!' Junior was definitely right about that, and then he got run through by a Viet Cong bayonet. Luckily, we are no longer at war with the North Vietnamese, but yeah, those holes ain't gonna dig themselves. I did some manly pickaxing on Saturday, spending most of the time unearthing rocks the size of reported Yeti skulls. I keeping these rocks so my family will have a decent start on building a cairn should I drop dead of a heart attack while digging. I'm telling you...nothing gets the heart rate going like a good dozen swings of a pickaxe.
Anycrap, my progress has been slow as I took Sunday off from digging...not because I was observing the Sabbath (black or otherwise), but because I'm a gigantic candy ass and my hands and shoulders hurt from Saturday's exertions. I'll need to pick up the pace this week to be done by the weekend...
The Better Half and I watched 'Shame' Friday night, and 'Shame' was an apt title as that was how we felt after wasting two hours of our lives on that film. My goodness, what a pointless pile o' shite that movie was. I understand why critics liked it...it's well shot and stylish, and Michael Fassbender has definite charisma...he also has a wang and said wang got plenty of camera time as well...and not Viggo Mortenson in 'Eastern Promises' naked knife fight in a steam bath wang time either. Let me put it this way, I was surprised Fassbender's ween didn't have an assigned assistant listed in the credits. Enough wang talk...
We also watched 'MI: Ghost Protocol' and both fell asleep at various times. I was expecting a lot more from Brad Bird, so I was disappointed in the dialog, pace of the movie, and overall preposterous premise...and please, Hollywood, enough with the 105 lb gals kicking swarthy 250 lb Ukrainians through walls and plate glass windows.
That's all I've got for now...hope everyone had a good weekend...and remember, the answers are blowin' in the wind...peace!
Hello world!
2 days ago
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