I've been taken down by an epic case of insomnia, so I have been all kinds of out of sorts...forgetful, moody, somewhat erratic. All because I only get about 4 1/2 hours of sleep a night. If I suck down some melatonin with a Nyquil chaser I can get close to 6 hours...but bottom line is that I'm not sleeping nearly as much as I need to...and it's not that I can't fall asleep, I can, just not when I'm supposed to. Put me on the train or in a meeting and it's fargin lights out...but at night...nothing. I get all anxious, my heart starts racing, my body temp soars, and sounds get amplified all the way to 11. So, I'm all up in my own head when it comes to sleep, which is part of the problem...
...the other issue is that The Better Half watches TV in our room to unwind at night, and she watches the most annoying goddam shows on the airwaves...Joan Rivers...Kardashians...various housewives in varying locales....the ridiculous Nicie Nash...if they are untalented and possess grating voices, The Better Half watches them...and it is literally killing me.
While TBH does attempt to keep the volume at extremely low levels, the fact that I know those shows are on in our room ramps my hearing up to super human levels. I'm keenly aware that inanity is taking place and I can't help but hear it...every retarded word being spoken is like a sledgehammer to my ear drums. Then my hate cells get activated and my anxiety redlines, my body temp begins percolating, and then I start sweating like a freak. Not. Good. Times.
I used to be able to go right to sleep, TV noise and all, but I can't anymore. Bed time might as well be called dread time around here because I'm in a low grade panic about not being able to sleep. I know TBH's TV habit isn't helping, but there's more to my insomnia than just despising the shows she watches because on nights her shows aren't on I'm still struggling to nod off.
TBH tried wireless headphones, but they didn't function properly in our room. I've tried various sleeping pills, homeopathic sleep cures, alcohol...you name it and I've tried it. Lately, I've been falling asleep to music pumped into my ears via ear buds, and that works...until I wake up when the music stops or an ear bud gets all uncomfortable like...then it's back to not being able to sleep. Next thing you know I'm mixing cold medication and melatonin to drift off to fitful sleep...I'm turning into an over the counter version of Elvis.
So, what do we do now because this can't continue. I'm going to have a massive stroke/heart attack due to lack of sleep if things don't change...
Hello world!
2 days ago
Hmmm...have you tried sleeping in another room with some white noise on in the background?
ReplyDeleteI totally hear you (no pun intended) on the super human Jamie Sommers-like hearing when an inane conversation is happening. That happens to me too!! So annoying.
I hope you find the answer soon - having suffered from insomnia myself I can totally relate.
I recommend going to the gym at night, or working out. Be sure not to eat 2 hours before bedtime. And, when my head is ringing, and I cant stop thinking about stuff... I envision a white wall, I make my brain only think of a white wall ( it's actually really hard to do) but it works for me