The word 'karma' gets thrown around quite a bit, with most not having a true understanding of what karma is. In the Western world, karma has taken on a meaning of what goes around comes around...the Bible states you reap what you sow...and Ratt sang 'Round and 'Round'. Yes, well...
I'm not a believer in karma, I don't think there is a cosmic force guiding causation, that one action begets an offsetting reaction down the line. The world just doesn't work that way. That philosophy also flies in the face of most major religions that state mankind exists under the banner of freewill. We make decisions and choices and there are no predetermined experiences or acts that will befall us later. Yes, to every action there is a reaction, but those reactions are more the function of natural acts or counter choices made by others. Example: I punch a Falcons fan in the face tomorrow morning and on the way home I wrap my car around a telephone pole. Was my accident the result of karma, or am I just a really sh*tty driver...was their ice on the road? A totally justified punching out of a too cocky for their own good Falcons fan does not set the wheels in motion for me to experience a car crash. And if the Falcons fan punched me back that does not equate to karmic retribution either...that's called a brawl.
The pugnaciously stupid enjoy throwing the word karma around, it is their way of justifying their own disgusting existence. These individuals have no concept of personal accountability, so in a desperate act of self preservation they perversely hope that tragedy and misfortune befall others. An even more repugnant behavior that these ghastly little people partake in is celebrating when something unfortunate does happen to others. Some of these evil ghouls aren't above figuratively dancing on graves either, and would probably do so literally if given the opportunity.
Here's the crazy part about the karma bomb throwers - they are probably the most miserable people walking the planet. Rather than examining themselves and the root of their misery, they spend their time wishing tragedy upon their perceived enemies. It's no way to live. They sleep poorly in beds they made over the shards of glass and rusty nails of their own failures. The failure to move on...the failure to realize their scorched earth approach to matters was idiotic and costly...the failure to understand that there are right and wrong ways to do everything.
Again, I don't believe in karma, and the above paragraph speaks more to the fact that 9 times out of 10 we are the cause of whatever discomfort we experience. Sure, there are times when someone else can influence your life in minor or even profound ways, but you control how you react to it. Think about that the next time someone cuts you off in traffic, do you lay on the horn and flip them you hope they get into an accident down the road or pulled over by the police...or do you just blow it off and move on and not expend the energy that anger and hate requires?
If just half the people on earth took responsibility for themselves, their actions and reactions, the planet would be a much better place. Next time you feel like pulling the pin on a karma grenade stop and think about which direction you are hurling it at your 'enemy' or yourself?
Hello world!
2 days ago
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