I finally did it, I completed the first chapter of the book I've been meaning to write for over a decade. I've tentatively titled the book, 'That Could Have Gone Better'. It is going to be a mixture of cultural essays sprinkled with a lot or personal touches, a memoir about someone that really isn't all that interesting...
Now, I really have no idea what I'm going to do once it has been completed. I'm hoping to have it wrapped up before June and will e-publish it then. However, I wouldn't mind having a hard copy of it as well, even if it is only one actual book. Other thoughts are to go the William Young route and dole out chapters or portions of the book as it is being written...and still go with a hard copy for each one of the girls...or friends that may want one...or family. I guess we'll see what happens, but I think it would be kind of cool to show the girls, 'hey look, your goofy ass dad wrote a book...' but again, I have no clue as to what steps I need to take to get that done...or how to find someone to edit and proof what I've written and offer up suggestions. My writing style is disjointed at best, but that's part of my 'voice' (yes?). I never really carve out time to write, it just kind of happens. I've knocked out ideas on the train, thought about how to unfold a story or essay while running, but I never come home and go into 'writing mode'. I'm too disorganized for that and I have other responsibilities as well...like feeding the kids and what have ya.
Getting the first chapter done was a relief...
Other items of note - Hmmm, so 'Girls' is back for season 2. I really despise the individuals that keep calling Lena Dunham 'brave' for her writing and acting. She's not a hack, but there is nothing 'brave' about taking your clothes off if you are an actress...especially if you are an up and coming actress and writer trying to make a splash. Anyway, 'Girls'...I thought season 1 was uneven. The first few episodes struck me as pretentious and the writing was contrived. By the end of the season, however, the two characters I despised the most (Adam and the coffee shop guy) became my two favorites because they seemed genuine. Allison Williams' character also took some interesting turns and the series could almost center around her. The Brit gal was a joke, the Jewish gal was just too much, and the Lena character was a nightmare. Season 2 isn't off to a great start either, and I get that this series isn't aimed at me. I wasn't the target demo for iCarly either, but I recognize clever writing when I see it and iCarly had that in spades. We'll see where 'Girls' goes, but I'm keeping my expectations tempered.
I've been listening to a lot of solo Robert Plant of late, especially 'Fate Of Nations' and 'The Principle Of Moments' (an album title more befitting an offering from Pink Floyd rather than a former member of Led Zeppelin that once called himself Percy and sang about lemon juice running down his leg). As I've been listening I've come to the realization that Robert Plant's solo output has been grossly overlooked. There are some real moments of musical artistry on both albums...'29 Palms' is a great tune, so is 'In The Mood' even if it is a bit simple. A box set of Plant's solo work would be something I would look into if I ran a record label...
That's all I've got for now, I'll be working on chapter two of the book for the next week or so, pecking out a paragraph at a time. The band Frente! will be heavily involved...
Hello world!
2 days ago
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