...I didn't watch all of the Amanda Knox interview when it aired a short while ago. The one portion I did watch before the melatonin and sleeping pill cocktail kicked in was when she spoke of how she believed casual sexual relationships were what 'liberated' and 'empowered' women engaged in. Now, I'm not going to go all Grandpa Taylor on you and act OUTRAGED by it all. However, I am going to ask this - when did being a liberated and empowered woman equal assuming all the worst attributes of men? I've never really understood how all of that works, I'm sure it has something to do with making choices that no one questions men about, etc. Just throwing it out there, but my take on Amanda Knox was that she had profound regrets concerning her behavior leading up to her arrest, trial, imprisonment, and eventual freedom. And no, she isn't a hero or a role model or a shining example to be set upon a pedestal - she was an incredibly arrogant, yet ignorant, spoiled brat that got caught up in something bigger than her. If anything, she's a cautionary tale, the ultimate episode of 'Locked Up: Abroad'.
I shouldn't be surprised that there is little to no public outcry concerning the Benghazi cover-up, a scandal that would have been leading the news 24/7 a mere 7 years ago or if the current WH occupant had a (R) after his name. Instead, it's all being swept under the rug by a press corp that is literally part of this administration's family. The fact that the presidents of CBS and ABC news have siblings working within the Obama administration has nothing to do with this, now does it? Of course it does. CBS and ABC have been carrying water for Obama since he won the 08 election. Now it is indeed a family affair...and Fox News is the one that vile progs accuse of bias? That's funny...
Maybe the latest scandals to break, the unprecedented seizure of phone records of AP reporters and targeted harassment from the IRS that were political in nature, will awaken the media. I highly doubt it as most Americans seem to be completely oblivious as to what is happening around them and to them. And that's just how government wants us - bloated, slow, and ignorant. Rick Santelli did manage to make an interesting point though. The IRS will be enforcers of Obamacare, if they can target individuals financially, they will sure as hell target individuals medically as well. But don't let that stop you from the latest episode of 'The Voice'!
Hello world!
2 days ago
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