If you accidentally spray Round Up...no, I take that back...if even a slight mist of Round Up over-spray lands in the general vicinity of a plant you don't want dead, said plant will be a burnt out husk within 24 hours. However, if you douse crabgrass colonies with Round Up on multiple occasions over the course of a week, well, the crabgrass is either more resilient than Kirk Douglas or Round Up really sucks at killing crabgrass.
When I declared total war on my lawn it was with a hope that has now grown as dim as Audrina Patridge that hostilities would soon cease and rebuilding would begin. I don't see calling off the Round Up anytime soon. Even worse, sections of the lawn have sprouted partisan grass blades, making my scorched earth Round Up bombing runs seem a wee bit more reckless...do I accept collateral damage, or do I just provide high altitude air support as the grass overruns the colonies of demon weed? I'm attempting a bit of both, indiscriminately raining death of all things green where the fight seems hopeless, surgically striking where the good guy grass is choking out the crabgrass. Yes, I'm entirely too emotionally involved with the yard, but as The Better Half said, it is my domain and I shall rule it with an Ironite fist!
Now to leave the talk of lawn care...
I'm actually looking forward to the Superman re-reboot. Michael Shannon bringing his peculiar brand of crazy to the role of General Zod has all kinds of appeal. Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent does have me somewhat worried. When an upright and living Christopher Reeve played Superman/Clark Kent, he embodied the spirit of both characters with charisma and charm. I haven't seen enough of Cavill to totally believe that he can pull off double duty. Here's hoping he can, that the movie doesn't suck, and that a sequel brings Doomsday to the big screen as Superman's ultimate foe.
If an Aquaman movie never gets made even that will be too soon...Aquaman is a tool.
Hello world!
2 days ago
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