Remember back several weeks ago when I posted that every appliance in the house decided to become self-aware and began waging a war of inconvenience against me? Well, the machines lost, baby! Okay, they didn't lose, but they are being replaced by appliances that will appreciate a stable home. We bought a new fridge and dishwasher from the Sears Outlet, better known as the ding and dent store. Every appliance in that joint has an aesthetic flaw ranging from superficial scratches to profound dents. All of it is new, but mishandled and suffering from Outlet store low self-esteem. Like the jelly shooting water gun on the Island of Misfit Toys, these new appliances will just be happy to be appreciated for not randomly freezing everything in the fridge while thawing out everything in the freezer. And should the fridge or dishwasher decide to act up, they know what fate awaits them...being auctioned off to the first random freak that answers our Craigslist ad. Appliance heaven help them should their behavior lead to such an excruciating awful end...
In other news, I forgot my lunch today and took the day off from the gym to give the ol' creaky knees a break. Rather than serve penance and not eat lunch I decided to have pho. It took me a while, but I'm finally eating pho with chopsticks and not asking for a fork like the culturally insensitive round eyed d*ck I used to be. Now, I hate chopsticks. They're stupid and inefficient, especially for eating what amounts to be noodle soup. Why Asians insist on still using chopsticks is beyond me, but hey, I work in the International District so when in Chinatown do as the Chinese do...and eat soup with chopsticks. Where was I? Oh yeah, so...I'm not racially insensitive anymore. Yep. Anyhoo, I finally decided to squeeze lime into the broth today and it was pretty good. However, I think that's as far as I'm going to take my pho experience. I don't see my trying beef tendon pho anytime soon. The menu doesn't specify the sort of tendon being served up it an Achilles tendon...patella tendon? I'll stick to my 'beef' of questionable origin and hope none of it is being imported from the EU or UK.
I will leave you with this: The Grammys were on a few days back and they were as ridiculous as ever. To illustrate how meaningless the Grammys have become, check this out - The Beatles won a total of 11 Grammys, but 3 were for best album cover, and 2 were for engineering, meaning 6 were for performances. The Rolling Stones have won three Grammys, one being a lifetime achievement award in 1987, another one in 1995 for best video, and one more in '95 for rock album of the year. Queen, The Who, Tupac, Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, Run DMC, and Jimi Hendrix have won a grand total of 0 Grammys. Taylor Swift has been awarded 7 Grammys. The same Taylor Swift that can't carry a tune and plays a banjo the same way kids mime playing guitar with a tennis racket has been handed more Grammys than Radiohead, arguably the best band of the last 20 years. Now, I understand that music and art are subjective, but sweet mother of sassafras, is anyone going to be digging out Taylor Swift albums 10 years from now in a non-ironic manner? Yeah, I didn't think I'm going to chase kids off my lawn and complain about the price of gasoline.
Hello world!
2 days ago
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