Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Night Gymnastics Club

This is my first attempt at a blog post from my phone. Tuesday nights are usually reserved for gymnastics sessions for the girls...or, as we learned from Maddy's broken arm a while back, a catastrophic injury waiting to happen. Yes,well...the girls enjoy it and I get to sit in very uncomfortable bleachers while breathing in second hand chalk and Icy/Hot vapors.

So, Courtney Love, the most overrated relic of the 90s, recently tweeted that her long time nemesis Dave Grohl (former drummer for Nirvana, current front man of boneheaded radio friendly unit shifters Foo Fighters) tried to hit on the daughter of the late Kurt Cobain, Frances Bean. Frances was quick to refute her mother's delusional tweet and then stated that Courtney Love should be banned from twitter...I probably would have asked that Courtney be banned from life, but that might be seen as extreme in some quarters. Anyhoo, why so many people kissed Courtney Love's ass throughout the 90s and into the new millennium is beyond me. She is a dolt, a barely functional drug addled retard. Yet, her and her band Hole were given a free pass, her obvious lack of talent (aside from her skill at garnering undeserved attention) ignored. Worst yet, some effing genius had the bright idea to stunt cast her in movies even though she can't act. Go back and watch 'Man On The Moon', she's a scene killing wet mop. Paper airplanes have more range than Courtney Love. Luckily, her train wreck of her life became yesterday's news and age was properly tossed into the 'where are they now?' dustbin. Well, she's in twitter, pathetically trying to drag her daughter into the muck and mire of her life. Good on Frances for breaking away from Courtney and calling that wretch out for the liar and fraud she is. Funny how she's become a musical mute after Kurt offed himself and Billy Corgan stopped collaborating with her...

We watched 'We Bought A Zoo' the other night. It wasn't bad, but Cameron Crowe seems to be trying to out Ron Howard Ron Howard. The story is interesting enough, but Crowe leaves lots on the table. Perhaps he should stop blocking scenes in order to show off his record collection...

Practice is over, catch ya on the flip side!

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