Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just Checkin' In

I received my biometrics results last week, results that were more than likely skewed due to me being on the wrong side of a good time hungover and/or still mildly tipsy from the night before.  Anyhoo, my binge drinking aside, the results weren't all too bad:

Body Mass Index reading = Obese!  I really can't tell you how much I hate the BMI....

Blood Pressure = 124/80

Cholesterol =  169 ('Desirable'...)

Blood Sugar = 103 (I'm sure the previous night's activities had something to do with this coming in as 'Borderline')

LDL = 93 (Optimal!)

HDL = 35 (Low...)

Triglyceride = 206 (High...from Triglyceride.com - When alcohol (ethanol) is present in the blood, the liver prioritizes removing alcohol from the blood over other metabolic processes. The liver can detoxify about one ounce of alcohol (distilled spirits) per hour, which is about 1 serving of an alcoholic beverage (equivalent to 12 ounces of beer or 4 ounces of wine).In the meantime, however, glucose tends to be further processed into triglycerides which raises their blood levels.) Yes, well...

TC/HDL Ratio = 4.8 (Average)

Overall, not too shabby for an OBESE person, but I do need to work on my HDL level to get my TC/HDL Ratio above average.  I've increased my exercise during the week, incorporating tabata training to build better overall endurance...and also because the treadmill just wasn't doing it for me anymore.  Tabata has made a bigger impact on overall weight and appearance in two weeks than close to a year of weights and the treadmill have. 

I would like to undergo another biometrics screening in 6 months to check my progress...although I will more than likely still be obese...

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